Exploring Mommyhood

A single mother on her journey through life- the good, the bad, and the ugly!

22 December 2009

5 Things I Love About Being A Mom

In the middle of the "Terrible Two's" stage, I have to constantly remind myself of what I love the most about being a mom. From looking at other blogs, I have discovered this thing called "Around the World in 80 Clicks!" The idea is for moms around the world to share five things that they love about being a mom. Most entries that I have read focus on the philosophical aspect-- that it has taught them patience, brought them closer to their own parents, etc. While those things remain true for many of us, I'm going to share with you the things that I love the most about being a mom:

1. Claire's giggles that are followed by belly laughs every time the "tickle monster" makes an appearance. She is the only child I know who asks to be tickled!

2. The beautiful sparkle in my daughter's eyes when she smiles.

3. The sound of her little voice saying "mommy". Nothing else beats it!

4. Her unconditional love- even after I've put her in time out, she runs to me with open arms, a huge hug and a wet kiss.

5. Finally understanding what it means to say that my heart hurts. I never ever imagined how much I could possibly love my little girl, and my heart actually hurts with so much love when I look at her.

I challenge all moms reading this blog to also share the top 5 reasons that you love being a mom!


  1. I also love when she climbs into bed with me in the mornings... she lays next to me on my left side, right up against me, and wraps her right arm around the bottom of my neck to reach around to play with my hair. She'd probably lay right on top of me if she figured out that she could! She did this on Christmas morning and told me "Not go to sleep Mommy. I'm just cuddling." Oohhhh I could just squeeze the crap out of her sometimes!

  2. 1. Meredith has been saying "Mommy" for about 2-3 months now, and she says it sooo sweetly!

    2. When I pick her up out of her crib after a nap or in the morning she lays her head on my shoulder and pats/rubs my back.

    3. When I tell her to say hi to Cinder (our cat) she says "Oowww" (meow)

    4. She loves to help me unload the dishwasher.

    5. When she just wants to sit on the couch next to me and do nothing... just cuddle :-)
