Exploring Mommyhood

A single mother on her journey through life- the good, the bad, and the ugly!

03 December 2009

Terrible Two's

I started this blog several months ago, foolishly thinking that I would have the time to keep up with it. Ha. As soon as my first semester of nursing school started, any ideas that I had for blog topics were hurriedly pushed to the back of my mind and replaced with nursing care plans, diagnoses, and dosage calculations. Now that the semester has drawn to an end, I have pulled out those ideas, dusted them off, and now I'm ready to talk....

Let me just start with this "Terrible Two" thing. WHAT is this?! WHEN did my sweet lovable little angel turn into a terror with evil eyes and the attidude and temper of a pre-teen?! WHERE did she learn to respond with a "no" by saying "Nooo-ahh"?! Just the other day, I cut her hot dog in half on the bun, just as I always do so she can hold it easier, and you would have thought the world came to an end. She was seriously traumatized by my action and cried-- really cried-- for a good several minutes. She now will tell me something and say "Look at me. Understand me?" Ohhhh and just today she responded to something I told her by saying "You want a knuckle sandwich?" while holding her fist out. WHAT?! Girfriend, you better put that thing away. She's like a 16 year old girl in the middle of p.m.s. and it's like constantly walking on eggshells around her. It's no telling what will set her off. She has been put in time out so many times over the last few months that I don't even have to tell her to go sit in time out. She sees the look on my face and puts herself in time out. It's hard for her... there is so much inconsistency between being at home, being at "school", and being at her dad's and/or her other grandma's house. I know she's two and the tempers are going to happen. But oh. My. God. If what everyone says about the threes being worse is true, I just can't imagine it and boy do I dread it!

Do you have Terrible Two's stories to share? I'd love to hear them!

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