Exploring Mommyhood

A single mother on her journey through life- the good, the bad, and the ugly!

10 January 2010

Blah Blah Blah

*WHY is it so cold in this office?! I have the thermostat turned to 88 degrees (yes, folks, that's right- 88) and yet it still feels like it's 40 degrees in here. I think the ice on the tips of my fingers are what's actually typing this.

*Why in the world do people walk around places like Walmart singing aloud to themselves? (True story people- just this afternoon I walked past an older gentleman--50's maybe-- who was singing Lord knows what like he was on the American Idol tryouts!)

* "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" is on the radio and I wish I was at the Dusty right now dancing and shaking my ass to it.

*Spring semester starts tomorrow and I already have 4 chapters to read PLUS anxiety about the calculations test that we have to get a 90% on in order to pass meds this semester. Did I mention this test is tomorrow, on the first day?!

*I could really go for a bowl of the Summer Corn Chowder from Panera Bread right now. It's stupid that they only have it during the summer-- you can still buy good canned corn year-round and who wouldn't want a nice warm bowl of cozy soup?!

*Is Claire dressed warm enough to go out in this frigid cold to come home this evening? Does her dad have her hat on and gloves on and did he make sure to zip her coat all the way up? Did she have dinner yet? (Disclaimer: I know that he is always totally on top of making sure she's dressed appropriately--well, 99% of the time anyway--and these thoughts are not a reflection on his parenting abilities. These are just things that moms worry about!)

*What time do I need to get up in the morning? Let's see... I have to be in class by 8. Which means I want to be parked in the deck by 7:30. Leave Claire's school by 7:15... so get there to drop her off around 7. Which in turn means I have to leave the house by 6:45... get her up by 10 til 6 (she is a hard riser)... OMG I have to get up at 4:45 AM!!!!!

*I hope I don't oversleep in the morning!

These are just totally random thoughts crossing my mind as I sit here, excitedly reading about fluids and electrolytes in books such as "Fundamentals of Nursing" and "Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing". That's right. Be jealous. Be very very jealous.